Browsing through the local Australian news today, a headline caught my eye;
I can’t believe this would happen to him.
My eyes scrolled below the headline and without hesitation, I instantly knew why Hayden Burnes was murdered.
Sorry but this is 2011… with hair like that was the headline supposed to be a rhetorical question?
Clicking on the story and reading the finer details about Burnes’ murder, things only deteriorated;
When asked about Hayden’s bikie roots, friends nodded in agreement before deciding not to comment further.
Tony Soprano wannabe bikie parents’ teenage son gets murdered. Wait, I’m supposed to act surprised when exactly?
And I hope the police are paying attention, examination of Burnes friends clearly reveal who might be getting whacked next;
I’m not exactly sure how members of the public are supposed to react to stories like this. I mean am I supposed to care? And care about what?
If you’re dumb enough to be a bikie, the least you can do is use some of your money to shield your kids from the bullshit you’re involved in. How much of a moron do you have to be at failing even that?
No doubt we’ll all get to read about the future bikie wars that result of this murder. Yay for us.
‘ey bros, didja hear they knifed burnesy!’
‘no shit eh? Wheres my macheddi. Let’s go geddem.’
‘Fully sik yeah, we’ll get em!’
‘Where’s my earring yo, I can’t knife anyone without it!’
‘Next to my hair curlers bro, watchout they’re still hot.’
I for one can’t wait. No really.
Update 6th December 2011 – Well that was a rather short wait;
A bikie tattoo parlour has been targeted in an arson attack in north-western Sydney overnight, following the fatal stabbing of a boy yesterday.
The blaze was lit at the Naked Gun 2 tattoo studio at South Windsor just before 1:00am (AEDT).
The shop was damaged and the fire also caused smoke damage to an upstairs unit.
The same parlour was sprayed with bullets last year and a bikie was shot in the leg there in 2008.
Oh and as for Hayden not having anything to do with the bikie gang nonsense his parents are involved in;
Channel Seven last night reported that Hayden’s father had links to the Lone Wolf bikie gang, and that the teenager had recently been involved in an argument with a girl whose father was the head of a rival gang.
Of course this all still has nothing to do with bikie gangs, move along now – nothing to see here!
Update 8th December, 2011 – Appreciating a lack of evidence pointing at bikie gang violence, I decided to pull the above article sometime around 4pm local time 7th December, 2011.
Figuring that the investigation was still ongoing and due to the comments suggesting that Burnes was of decent character and not in any way related to possible bikie nonsense his dad was involved in, I decided to let things cool till something concrete was out.
Then a few hours later, this happened:
(Hayden Burnes) was being investigated for allegedly raping a schoolgirl weeks before he was killed.
Police have confirmed that the allegations of sexual assault against Hayden Burnes are now part of their homicide investigation.
Sources claim the rape victim’s father was recently visited by a relative of Hayden and told to back off and stop making any further allegations.
The boy’s father has known links to the Lone Wolf bikie gang.
Couple this with the earlier report from Channel 7 which stated that Burnes ‘had recently been involved in an argument with a girl whose father was the head of a rival gang‘, ‘Rival bikie gang The Rebels also have a clubhouse near the industrial estate where the murder took place‘ and the fact that Hayden’s ‘father… has known links to the Lone Wolf bikie gang‘
and I think it’s even more obvious now what happened.
Again, not saying Burnes did or didn’t deserve it – but the sentiment stands: Get involved in bikie crap and this is what happens.
Any carefactor and sympathy I’d developed over the last few days is fast plummeting back to 0.
Especially when in light of all this family members are making statements like ‘you hear about these tragedies but you never expect them to come knocking on your door‘.
This tragedy didn’t come knocking, this family through their actions and associations left the door wide open and threw tragedy a party.
And ultimately, all joking aside, that’s what cost a fifteen year old kid his life.
Update 6th August, 2012 – Police have finally arrested someone over Burne’s murder:
A Central Coast man, 36, has been charged in relation to the death of Hayden Burnes, in Minchinbury last year.
He was charged with murder, refused bail and will face Parramatta Court tomorrow (Tuesdsay, August 7).
However, despite the arrest, police are continuing their appeal for public assistance in the ongoing investigation.
Further arrests are anticipated.
It’ll definitely be interesting one the finer details are released to see whether or not bikies had anything to do with it.
The mention of “further arrests” would certainly indicate Burnes murder was more than the isolated actions of one man.
Update 6th September, 2012 - Police have made a second arrest today, capturing the “getaway driver”:
Police allege a 42-year-old man who was arrested in Hurstville on Thursday morning acted as a getaway driver for the December 2011 killing.
He was charged with murder and is due to appear at Sutherland Local Court later in the day.
Police are yet to reveal a motive for the murder.
Update 2nd November 2012 – The saga continues…
A woman has been charged over the murder of a Sydney teenager. A 38-year-old woman was arrested in a motel room in Toukley, on the New South Wales Central Coast, in the early hours of Thursday.
She has been charged with accessory after the fact to murder and was refused bail to appear at Wyong Local Court on Friday.
It is not clear what police will allege the woman’s relationship with the two accused men is.
Despite the unlikeliness of three randoms in NSW central coast setting out to murder a teenage boy in Sydney one Monday morning,
Police have previously dismissed media reports that the teenager’s father was a member of the Lone Wolf gang, along with other reports that the attacker was a member of that gang.
In August, 20 men wearing Lone Wolf club colours attended Mr McArthur’s first court appearance and were involved in a confrontation with police outside the court.
Right, so they just randomly decided to rock up to the funeral I suppose.
What’s more probable, it was a random murder or some rival drug dealing bikies did it?
During unrelated raids on Lone Wolf premises in northern NSW this year, detectives said the gang is responsible for a large-scale drug distribution network, dealing in methamphetamine, cannabis and cocaine.